If you signed up for a free reports, cheatsheet or video and didn't receive it here are the most likely causes and solutions:

  1. Our email software is thinking :) These free gifts are delivered by automated email software (autoresponders) which can sometimes get a little overwhelmed. This can mean that the email with download instructions can take up to 15 minutes or (in rare instances) more to arrive so your best bet is to just wait a few more minutes
  2. It didn't land in your inbox If you don't see the download email after 15 minutes be sure to check your Junk/Spam folder and if you're using a gmail account also check your Promotions tab.
  3. You entered your email address incorrectly You'd be surprised how often this happens. Of course the fix is simple. Just head back to the sign up page, re-enter your email address and hit the submit/download button.